10 ways to make money with Instagram in 2020

Unless you live under a rock, you probably know about Instagram. You probably have an account of your own. There’s no doubt about the fact that Instagram is one of the most popular apps out there now, and is one of the biggest social media giants. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and no one uses that better than Instagram. Recently, the app that started as just a way for people to share fun moments in their lives has turned into one of the biggest online marketplaces. The app has led to a new generation of influencers who rake in thousands of dollars simply from the app alone. With more than a billion daily users globally and over 90% being under the age of 35, the app is an excellent place to market clothing, media, food, and entertainment with the help of Instagram influencers. Keep reading below to learn how you can make money with Instagram as well, whether you’re a brand or a content creator, by selling services, affiliate marketing, and much more.

Sell products or offer services.

By now, you must have seen the vast number of brands that operate on Instagram. Some companies are those that have not just been born because of Instagram but use Instagram as their only form of marketing. The app is exceptional in that it allows you to curate an aesthetic and beautiful feed that can attract thousands of viewers. With the use of hashtags, you can reach out to a potentially limitless audience. In addition to this, through eye-catching posts and inviting captions, your viewers can feel as if they know your brand and can be encouraged to engage with it entirely. Additionally, with recent updates, your followers don’t even need to leave your page to find prices or to shop. Prices and sometimes even shopping links can be embedded right into the posts, which can let users check out with the products that caught their eye in the matter of a few minutes.

Affiliate marketing

This can be the perfect option for those who don’t have a brand of their own but want to monetize their Instagram nonetheless. If you’ve developed a loyal follower base that trusts your opinions and views, you can easily avail this opportunity. Affiliate marketing allows you to work with other brands by advertising them on your page. This lets the brands have access to your followers, while it allows you to get paid for sponsorship. There are two different types of affiliate marketing:

Pay per click

This allows you to get paid a small amount every time someone clicks on the website links shared on your posts. If you market the product well enough, you can end up making a lot of money at the end.

Cost per acquisition

This model allows you to get a set percentage of all the product’s final earnings that you advertise. Setting a percentage can allow you to have greater control over the amount that you are paid.

 Become a brand ambassador

The best feeds that we see on Instagram are incredibly personalized, and say a lot about our personality, likes, and dislikes and values. If your feed happens to correlate with that of a brand, and if your account is popular enough to have a significant outreach, you can be a great candidate to be a brand ambassador. This can be an excellent option for people who have particular interests. For example, if you’re interested in working out and want to work with brands focused around this area, you could create a creative feed surrounding working out and sports and get the opportunity to work with fitness centered brands. All you need to do is build a creative feed about a specific niche, and get lots of followers through your engaging posts.

Sell your social media knowledge

This one might seem confusing, but it can easily be one of the most lucrative ways to make money online. Recent trends suggest that by the end of 2020, 75% of businesses globally will operate on Instagram. However, running Instagram successfully isn’t as simple as it may seem, especially now when it has become saturated with bloggers and influencers and brands. If you know what it takes to make it big on Instagram, you can start offering your expertise and content creating skills to brands that have the products, but not the knowledge. You can then curate a portfolio and start offering your services to brands and companies who want to tap into the vast market of Instagram.

Become an influencer

This can be one of the most lucrative ways to make money off of Instagram – so much so that it can often mean you can start this full time. Becoming an influencer is no easy task. It can take a lot of hard work, creativity, consistency, and dedication. You can start with one specific niche and curate posts that are stunning and stand apart in all the others and soon enough, once you start to gain some traction and recognition, you can start to branch out and cover a wide range of areas that can let you make a lot of money.

Show off your hard work.

If you’re an artist, chef, designer or creator in any way, Instagram is the place for you to be – and to market yourself. With aesthetically captured shots, you can show off your hard work the best way and attract new customers.

Sell your photography

Above all, Instagram is the home of photography. If you have an eye for detail and can make mundane scenes look hauntingly stunning, this is the app for you. Put up your pictures, and you might get the chance to sell not just your photos, but also your services to brands.

Create the catchiest bio

Your bio is the first thing people see when they come to your page. By adding affiliate links and other websites, you can have a great way to make some money.


If you want to make it big on Instagram, get in touch with Be Luxe Creative, where you can get one of their social media management packages that can help you make it big in the world of Instagram. Their professionals have years of experience and know just how to post for you to catch the attention of the millions on Instagram. They can help you build a loyal customer base that can only keep on growing.   

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